by Tim Pacl | Jan 20, 2022 | NL - 2022-02 Main, Resource-CS Committee, Resource-SBSA Committee
When a Scout achieves the highest award in their Scouting program, it is cause for celebration and recognition. It is no small feat and is deserving of recognition from our civic leaders. And, do you know what? They agree and are willing to do just that. You just need to ask.
by Tim Pacl | Jan 17, 2022 | NL - 2022-02 Main, Resource-CS Program, Resource-SBSA Program
Trustworthy is the first point of the Scout Law… for a reason.
by Kristi Palm | Jan 11, 2022 | NL - 2022-01 Unit Stories, USA: 2021 Stories
Troop 16 saw Aasiyah Smith and Elizabeth Palm work hard to complete the requirements for the 50th Anniversary EPA award. Linked Troop 91, saw Charles Palm complete the EPA Award as well. All Scouts completed 6 hours of conservation service along with completing 4...
by Tim Pacl | Jan 11, 2022 | NL - 2022-01 Main
Thursday, January 13th, 2022 The January Roundtable offers you a unique choice of , not 3, but 4 topics. Cub Scout Leaders can choose from “Crossover / Blue & Gold” presented by the person that imagined and delivered the 2021 Pack 170 Blue & Gold...
by Tim Urban | Jan 10, 2022 | How-To, NL - 2022-01 Main, Recipe, Uncategorized
BBQ Chicken Pot Pie – submitted by Michael Dial 12 oz cooked chicken or turkey chopped 1 can cream of mushroom soup 1/2 cup BBQ sauce ( I like Baby Rays) 2 cups frozen peas and carrots 2 cups frozen diced potatoes Salt, pepper, garlic, chili powder to taste 1...
by Heather Spencer | Jan 9, 2022 | Home Page Articles, NL - 2022-01 Unit Stories, ScoutsBSA, USA: 2021 Stories
DECEMBER CAMPOUT: SHOTGUN, RIFLE, and ARCHERY at LOST PINES Troops 258 and 358 masterminded a shooting sports-palooza to finish up 2021. They conquered all three Lost Pines shooting ranges all day on the Saturday of their December campout. Arrows hit their mark, as...