The goal of Roundtable is to provide you the training and information that you need but can’t get elsewhere. Custom topics, cooked to order. And now, the North Shore Roundtable team is offering your unit the opportunity to set the agenda.

Cub Roundtable Commissioner, Mr. Tim, is looking for units willing to host a Roundtable, but what does that mean? Pretty much what it sounds like. You muster your unit leaders and parents to be the hosts for a Roundtable some time this year. Decide on any snacks and refreshments you want to offer. Maybe a parent or two can greet participants as they arrive and help them get signed in. Someone to manage a gathering activity, perhaps. It is up to you. You decide what topic(s) you would like to know more about and we will find presenter(s) for them. Maybe you have experts in your unit that would like to volunteer.

Of course, we want your leaders and parents to show up in force to help and participate in the topic(s) you select. And, don’t worry, you won’t be on your own. North Shore District has a very experienced Roundtable team that will be there with you the whole time to plan and deliver the best Roundtable ever. September is already taken but any other month after June is open. Contact Mr. Tim at to sign up or ask any questions.