[by Gregory Andres, T271]  

If I can offer one bit of advice when visiting Mustang Island, sunscreen would be it. The long term benefits of sunscreen have been proved by scientist where as the rest of this article is only my personal opinion. Ten scouts and four adults load up into three cars in Cedar Park, Texas preparing for the four hour drive down to Mustang Island. Routes were discussed, scouts were divided and we were off. My car was comprised of me, five scouts and the energetic gossip which accompanies the first few hours of travel. By the time the two hour mark rolled around the car had quieted down with some choosing to sleep during the drive. We arrived around 10:30pm to a very quiet camp site. Tents were set up quickly with the help of camp site lights. Plans were quickly made regarding wake up and breakfast for the next day. Fast forward, with breakfast done, water bottles filled, sunscreen applied we headed to the beach. The safety brief was given, the first aid bag was set up, canopy was deployed and the fun began. Wave after wave, the scouts played in the surf. For those who didn’t play in the surf, holes were dug, football was played, and fun was had. We wrapped up the trip with dinner and skits. The drive home mirrored the ride down with the scouts reanimating the closer we got to home. Lessons learned: wear sunscreen, bring tarps to help create shade, plan for tar getting everywhere and flipping a pancake without a spatula is difficult but not impossible.


Mr. Gregory Andres

ASM, T271