Trustworthy is the first point of the Scout Law and it is the combination of all 12 points.
- Reverence is profound respect and through your devotion to god and respect for others, you earn their respect. Respect is the very foundation of trust.
- By keeping yourself and your surroundings clean, others see that you are a good steward for those things entrusted to your care and that you live up to that trust.
- A brave Scout does the right thing when faced with difficult choices. That is the essence of good character and good character shows you are worthy of trust.
- When you are thrifty, others can trust that you will not waste what is given to your care. Not money. Not resources, Not time.
- Keeping a cheerful, positive attitude even when things are not going well builds strong relationships and relationships demand trust.
- Being obedient and following the rules and laws that we have put in place to protect our families and communities shows you are reliable and deserving of trust.
- Kindness spreads good will. Genuine kindness creates genuine trust. Courtesy is the overt act of showing respect and respect is the foundation of trust.
- You can’t start new friendships without first being friendly and friendships can’t exist without trust.
- Helpfulness builds trust through the selfless act of being of service to others. Like the Unknown Scout, no reward is asked for or accepted.
- Loyalty is a two-way street of mutual respect and trust.
- Trustworthiness is all of these things and more. It is an honesty in word and deed demonstrated by your adherence to the Scout Law and Scout Oath.
So, always aim for trustworthy.