[Editor’s note: This article first apeared in the Avery Ranch Connects newsletter. Reproduced by permission of the author.]
Troop 150 ( chartered by Lord of Life Lutheran Church) was established in 2017 with just five families and eleven scouts. In 2021 we are happy to welcome 13 new scouts to our ranks, bringing the total number of registered scouts to over 50 scouts and around 40 families. While the past year has introduced some new challenges, our scouts have done an awesome job of keeping the troop active, engaged, and advancing. At our latest Court of Honor, we recognized 13 rank advancements as well as over 20 merit badges earned. In the past year, the troop has been able to participate in three separate eagle service projects including:
• A conservation project at Williamson County SW Regional Park to help preserve habitat for the endangered Golden-Cheek Warbler
• An outdoor relaxation area at Brushy Creek Elementary School, installing 5 scout-designed, scout-built, and cement-anchored benches
• An outdoor education area at Pearson Ranch Middle School to allow students to enjoy the natural setting of Texas
The 2021 snow and ice storms enabled us to have a record year of selling firewood, greatly helping our local community manage through this difficult period. We were very happy to be able to do our part to serve the community.
While we continue to observe safety measures, our troop has resumed outdoor troop meetings, camping activities, and other service projects. We are excited to be planning our Trail to First Class campout in May. We are looking forward to continuing to put the OUTING in Scouting and serving our local community! See more information on Troop 150 at http://troopl50austin.org/.