Only the older of us will remember a show that started on radio in 1942 and moved to TV in 1952. It had a strong run before going off the air in 1961, but it didn’t really end there with revivals and specials into the 2000’s. Today it is reborn again as a podcast. In the show, the host surprised the guest by narrating their biography to them. The host, consulting his “red book”, narrated while presenting the subject with family members, friends, and others who had affected his or her life.

So, what does this have to do with advancement ceremonies? I always thought this would be a great way to present a Wolf badge or Webelos or… any rank. The guests could engage the awardees with fun remembrances of them earning an adventure for their rank. Imagine something like this…


Using a folder with brads to hold pages of a color appropriate for the rank (Dark Blue – Lion, Orange – Tiger, Red – Wolf, Light Blue – Bear, Blue – Webelos, Gold/Yellow – AOL), print neatly “This is your <Rank> Adventure… <Scout’s Name>” on the cover. The pages should document interesting / fun events during the time the Scout was earning their rank and may include photos. Create 3 to 4 pages (more if desired): Parent(s)/Guardian(s), Den Leader, Fellow Scout(s)/ Den Chief/ Cubmaster/Other. Ask each contributor to write a short paragraph about a meaningful, funny, or interesting thing that happened during the Scout’s advancement. A variation for AOL might chronicle their entire Cub Scout journey with one page per rank. This book will serve as a script of sorts and will be presented to the Scout and family at the conclusion of the ceremony.


Materials – <Color> Book, Copies of each page, Rank Badge, Parent’s Pin
Staging – Need an area where the audience can all see the participants from their seats. Cubmaster keeps the <color> book. Participants each have a copy of the page they contributed.


Hello Pack _____ families, I hope you are enjoying our Pack meeting tonight. Right now, I want to shift gears away from the zany applause and fun activities to celebrate a Scout who has completed all requirements for his/her <Rank> badge.


<Name of Scout>, this is your <Rank> adventure! Come on up here so we can share the story of your adventure with the rest of the pack.

Scout comes up to the presentation area. Asst Cubmaster / helper ensure Scout is facing audience.


<Name of Scout>, are you excited? I know I am. Achieving <Rank> took some work and we are all very proud of you, of course none more than…

Family Member(s)

Remain seated for this first line
I remember when <Name of Scout> was working on the <Name of Adventure> adventure.


Do you recognize that voice? Of course you do. It is your Parent(s)/Guardian(s). Parents, come on up and join us.

Wait for them to come up to the presentation area.


Please tell us what you remember about <Scout’s Name>’s <Adventure Name> adventure.

Family member(s) read/explain the funny/interesting story of the adventure.


Do you remember that, <Scout’s Name>? That sounds like a lot of fun. But that isn’t all you did on your <Rank> adventure, is it?…

Den Leader(s)

Remain seated for this first line
I remember when <Name of Scout> was working on the <Different Adventure> adventure.

Repeat as before for each page of the book. Only family and Den Leader need to come up to the presentation area, unless you choose to have them all come up.


Wow! What an amazing adventure you had earning your <Rank>. Did you have a favorite part?

Give Scout a chance to say what their favorite part was.


Well, maybe this will become your new favorite part. <Scout’s Name>, you have earned the rank of <Rank>. <Family Member(s)>, please pin the <Rank> badge on your Scout’s left uniform pocket. Make sure it is upside down.

<Scout’s Name>, once you have completed your first good turn, you can turn your badge right-side up and it can be sewn onto your uniform. Now, please pin this small replica pin of your rank on your <Family Member>’s shirt/jacket as a thank you for his/her/their help in your journey.


Once again, <Scout’s Name>, this is your <Rank> adventure!
Hand the <Color> book to the Scout.

Pack _____, let’s have a round of applause for our newest <Rank>!
Substitute another appropriate applause for the round of applause as you see fit.