District Chair for Service

Our district chair for service projects is Nathan Hayden <nathanhayden@gmail.com>. He has dozens of project opportunities for all levels. Contact him to find your next pack, troop, crew, ship, or Eagle project.

Eagle Project Opportunities

Interested in doing an Eagle project at Jones Brothers Park in Jonestown, Texas?  Here some potential project areas:

  • Beautification of our Canyonland Trail
  • Weed barrier and ground cover (decomposed granite)
  • Remove non-native plants
  • Trail extension
  • Or visit the Jonestown parks and let us know what you have in mind.

Please contact Parks and Recreation Director, Carol Gyergyo <cgyergyo@jonestown.org> if interested.  

(512) 267-3243 option #4


scouts at work sign
Jones Brothers Park entrance sign