Pinewood derby is taken very seriously around here. You can ask the scouts to meet via Zoom or in their own backyard but canceling the Pinewood Derby Race, no way! Pulling it off did require some adjustments and frankly, as a leader, not seeing as many smiles while running the race was tough but here is how we did it.

The first big change was our racing software; we switched from Grand Prix Manager to DerbyNet, which is a free web-based software so that families could see the race results from the comfort of their homes. We also used a software called OBS Studio to create a scene for live streaming on YouTube. One webcam for the whole track, one for the finish line, an insert with the race data and here we go! AOLs need leadership roles so they managed the event from check-in to actually running the race. The trophy distribution was done at the winners’ houses with the Cubmaster and the Derby Chair.