Why: For your Scouts! For your unit! For you!
Who: You! Scouters and Parents of the North Shore District!
What: Supplemental training for BSA adult volunteers.
When: Meets monthly from 7:00 – 8:30 PM on the second Thursday of the month, year-around.
Where: We are currently meeting in-person and virtual (Hybrid)
- Virtual – https://splunk.zoom.us/j/99412985512?pwd=T0IxZWdvMHZJelNzOG04US9VQU1Ydz09
Meeting ID: 994 1298 5512
Password: 588577 - In Person – Good News United Methodist Church, 1610 E New Hope Dr., Leander, TX 78641
Roundtable Commissioners
Bianca Beadles stepped away from her career in finance in 2018 to take a leap of faith and join her father in his custom residential swimming pool construction business. Her brother soon joined the team and now they are involved in a successful fast growing family business where they get to spend more time together and help secure their father’s legacy.
In 2013, Bianca’s son came home with a sticker on his shirt excited to launch rockets with the cub scouts that night at a “Join Scouting Night” being offered at his school. Not knowing anything about the scouting program, Bianca attended that event and volunteered to be her son’s den leader for the newly forming Tiger den. The young man has made his way through the ranks of cub scouts and is now working toward his Eagle with a Scouts BSA unit.
Bianca has been a Cub Scout den leader through all the ranks from Tiger to Arrow of Light. She led her entire den to work beyond their handbook to earn extra awards like the Messenger of Peace, Cub Scout Activity Award, World Conservation, and various Stem awards including the ultimate award, the SuperNova. Bianca also served as the Cubmaster for her pack for three years earning Cubmaster of the Year in 2017. Once her son moved onto a Scouts BSA troop in 2018, she stepped into her role as Assistant Scoutmaster and has been serving in that role ever since.
Bianca has shared her love and knowledge of the Scouting program with other leaders in our district by serving as Roundtable Commissioner, first Cub Scouts and now Scouts BSA, since 2018. She has also stepped into the role of District Membership Chair to help better serve the community by growing our program and enabling more youth access to a quality program.
Tim Pacl retired as an Electrician’s Mate and nuclear supervisor from the U. S. Navy Submarine Force in 1996 and is now on his second career as a Systems Architect at Dell Technologies.
Tim currently volunteers with the Capitol Area Council as Pack 170 Assistant Cubmaster, Cub Roundtable Commissioner, Cub Day Camp Program Director, Unit Commissioner, and District Communications Chair. He is also serving as Co-Dean of Cub Scouting for the upcoming Capitol Area Council University of Scouting in 2022.
Tim’s Scouting experience includes Wolf, Bear, and Lion (think first year Webelos) as a Scout. As a Scouter, he has served 3 districts over more than 30 years in a variety of unit and district roles including Webelos Den Leader, Assistant Cubmaster, Cubmaster, Chartered Organization Representative, Committee member, Assistant Scoutmaster, Scoutmaster, Explorer Advisor, Cub Roundtable Staff, District Training Staff, Cub Roundtable Commissioner, Cub Day Camp Program Director, and District Day Camp Coordinator.
Assistant Roundtable Commissioners
Nicolas Rietsch was born and raised in France but immigrated to Ireland, then to the U.S.A. He has been working in the IT (Information Technology) field his whole adult life and now works for IBM as a Senior Technical Support Engineer.
Nick currently volunteers with the Capitol Area Council as Pack 170 Health & Safety Officer. He is also the in Troops 258 and 358 as a committee member. Nick is the Asst. Cub Roundtable Commissioner and Cub Training Chair for the North Shore District and is working with Tim Pacl as Co-Dean of Cub Scouting for the upcoming Capitol Area Council University of Scouting in 2022.

Roundtable is a place to get information about upcoming events, help with your Cub Scout or Scouts BSA program, find answers to questions, and to meet others who are making the same commitment that you are… to provide a quality program for the Scouts in your unit and your district. Most of all, it is FUN!
Staff and volunteers lead a fun-filled 1 ½ hours of relevant program help like pack and troop ceremonies, high adventure, “Join Scouting Night”, songs, Cubmaster / Scoutmaster minutes, and much, much more. Did you know that our District Key 3 often attend attend Roundtable and they are available to answer your questions?
How You Can Help
- Come to Roundtable!!! Help us to build a solid Scouting foundation for our North Shore units. Your questions and your experience can contribute to the discussion.
- Bring a fellow leader!! Two is company and three is a crowd but we are already past three. Besides, more than 3 is a party!
- Publicize your event at Roundtable. We always have time for sharing. Prepare a short (1-3 minute) promo for our Roundtable and we will make the time for it.
- Share your questions, knowledge, and experience.
- Join in the conversation. Participate in the breakout sessions.
- Tell us what you want to see, hear, and / or do at Roundtable.
- Do you have a relevant topic you would like to present? Let us know, we will get you added to the program.
- Take it back to your unit(s)! Share the learning when you get back to your unit and tell them where you learned it.
- Be a “Roundtable Ranger”! Help us get the word out about Roundtable. Tell your unit leaders about Roundtable or we can come to your leader meeting for a 5-10 Roundtable promo. We just need you to coordinate it.