2022 was a great year for Popcorn FUNdraising!   
During the months of September and October, North Shore Scouts were out in the streets, at storefronts, online, talking to as many people as they could.  They had a goal to raise some FUNds to go and do fun things!  Several of the Scouts in the North Shore were wanting to FUNd their trip to the National Jamboree!    FUNdraising with Popcorn is a great way to support the Council, your unit and the Scouts activities!
Our Council has many properties, programs and other unique opportunities for Scouts at a low, low cost to the unit and scouts.   These items are funded in part via Popcorn.   You want to have a Poppin good time out at Smilin V – part of the activities are funded via Popcorn.    
Doing your part to pay your way is part of Scouting!  19 units with 182 Scouts raised an amazing $226,495!   That is an average of $1244 per Scout!  And, these numbers all support the North Shore!  The North Shore has over 900 Scouts.   Just imagine if those 900 Scouts FUNdraised an average of $500?!  What more could those units and scouts do?  What other opportunities could our Council offer us?
In the new year, your popcorn team will be reaching out to every unit.  There are active incentives for units who have not sold in over a certain time period to get more to their unit.  In 2022, there were incentives for growing the number of Scouts who sold and/or who sold a certain amount.  Will those be back?!  Tune at Roundtable in April, June and July for further details!