Hello North Shore,
Our Chapter leaders would like to share news about recent events and upcoming opportunities. We hope to see you at an event soon!
Christian Swint, Chapter Chief
Jack Pape, Vice Chief of Program
Grace Hearn, Vice Chief of Ceremonies
Myles Edwards, Vice Chief of Inductions
Ms. Spencer, Chapter Adviser
December 3-4 – Winter Assembly at Green Dickson
December 8, Chapter Meeting and winter social
If you are not in our GroupMe for “North Shore OA chapter” you may be missing important updates from Christian, Grace, Jack, and Myles. To join, open GroupMe and search for “North Shore OA chapter”, then request permission to join the group. We will add you as soon as we are able.
Help Wanted
The Chapter is looking for a Vice Chief of Communications. The youth will be needed to post information to GroupMe, compose emails, and publish articles for the North Shore District newsletter. There is a possibility of updating and maintaining a webpage.
Spring Camporee
The OA is planning spring camporee, April 14-16 at Smilin V. Join the meetings to assist planning a grrrreat event!