Beginning with the completion of recharter in January 2021, we will adopt both an opt-out and opt-in policy for newsletter distribution in the North Shore District. We will begin by adding all registered adult volunteers into the newsletter email distribution list to ensure that everyone will stay informed. At the bottom of each newsletter email is a “SafeUnsubscribe” link that volunteers can use to opt out. We hope that you won’t use that option. We hope that you will instead provide us with feedback about what would make the newsletter more valuable to you. If you are one of the Key 3 for your unit, we think it is important that you continue to subscribe to all district communications. But, if you choose to opt-out, each month prior to sending out the newsletter email, we will remove the previous month’s opt-out requests from the newsletter mailing list.
That is the opt-out part. The opt-in piece relies mostly on you. Our initial mailing list is drawn from our registered volunteers but parents and family members may also want to stay up to date on what is going on in the district. We will include newsletter opt-in links on the various communications platforms we use including our website (like yje QR code to the right), facebook, and other emails we may send but you are our best chance to get the word out for opt-in. You are in a unit. You see the parents and family members of your Scouts at least once a month. You can share the information about our newsletter with them. Does your unit have a Parents meeting or Parents & Committee meeting? That is a great place to share the newsletter and the opt-in details. Just like the opt-out reviews, each month prior to sending the newsletter email, we will add all new opt-in requests to the newsletter distribution list.
Scan to “opt-in” to thew North Shore District newsletter
As always, we appreciate your feedback. We want to know what works for you and what doesn’t so drop us a line.