North Shore District sent five scouters to attend and two to staff the 2021 Wood Badge course. Wood Badge is the premiere adult training in Council and highly recommended for all adults in the program, whether new or seasoned. It’s a program that is over 100 years old, with traditions tied to Lord Baden Powell, the founder of Scouting. What do you learn and why should you attend? Hear from this year’s participants…

“What is Wood Badge and how can one verbalize the value of the training?

Wood Badge reinforces the Scouting patrol method, provides instruction in industry recognized leadership philosophy, indoctrinates members in Scouting traditions, and is just good old-fashioned fun. ” – Jim Orbock, Troops 258 & 358, and Carla Osuna, Troops 97, 258 & 358

“I recently attended Wood Badge and I’m so glad I did. It was really neat to go through the whole scouting experience–from Cubs all the way up to a Troop. At first, I was a little apprehensive to go through this journey with a group of total strangers, but in the process I’ve made some lifelong friendships. At times, I felt like I was drinking from a firehose, but the lessons contained great information for not just Scouting, but also for the work world and life in general. The team building was the most fun I’ve had in a long time! I would highly recommend Wood Badge to any adult volunteer looking to take it to the next level. ” Jana Richardson, Troop 271 & Matt Richardson, Pack 1720

“The Wood Badge program utilizes high quality leadership training within a scouting-specific framework to provide a truly transformative experience for scout leaders. I learned more about scouting in 5 days then I’ve learned in 5 years as a scout parent and leader! The Wood Badge staff worked tirelessly to deliver world class presentations and content designed to equip leaders with the tools necessary to improve their units, districts, and councils. To witness the collective enthusiasm for scouting leadership among the staff and course participants was inspirational. The mentorship I received from my Troop Guide was empowering, and the fellowship shared with my Patrol members gave me invaluable connections I will treasure on my scouting leadership journey. I am so grateful to have taken Wood Badge as I step into higher roles in my unit, and I look forward to participating at the district level in the DIVINE Committee for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. I cannot recommend Wood Badge training highly enough to any and all adult leaders involved with scouting. If you’ve ever wished you knew more about the program, had better resources or connections, or could make a lasting impact in the lives of your scouts and community, sign up for Wood Badge!” – Shannon Hicks, Troop 150

Registration for Wood Badge 2022 (Oct 7-9, Nov 5-6) is open!  Sign up NOW and take that first step on a journey that you will remember for the rest of your life.