North Shore Scouting News

September 2024 | Volume 10 Issue 9

A Scout is Thrifty

Scouting Calendar

October 2024

AOLs and Troops Save the Date: Dec 6-8 – The Amazing Race: District Fall Camporee at Smilin V

Call to Action

Park cleanup 9/14

Volunteer to help clean up Lakewood Park in Leander from 8am-12pm on Saturday, Septmeber 14, 2024. For more information see there JustServe information at this link.

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Featured Stories

National Jamboree 2026

Save the dates for July 22-31, 2026 for the next National Jamboree, held at the amazing high adventure base Summit Bechtel Reserve in West Virginia. Stay tuned for more information about the Capitol Area Council contingent. National Jamoree Website:...

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Sign Up for Wood Badge Premiere Training this Fall

Wood Badge is the BSA's premier leadership training course that will give you the tools to be a more effective leader in scouting and beyond. See what previous North Shore particpants have said: and...

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District News

North Shore Unit Stories

Troops serve at 9/11 Remembrance Ceremony

The City of Cedar Park held a September 11 Remembrance Ceremony at Veterans Park. Scouts from Troops 258 and 358 handed out programs, bottles of water, and small flags. The ceremony honored all branches of the military and first responders. Many veterans said they had...

Wear Sunscreen (Mustang Island Adventure)

[by Gregory Andres, T271]  If I can offer one bit of advice when visiting Mustang Island, sunscreen would be it. The long term benefits of sunscreen have been proved by scientist where as the rest of this article is only my personal opinion. Ten scouts and four adults...

Aaron on Scouting

Stay up to date and in tune with the Scouting community by checking out the latest from Aaron.