North Shore Scouting News

August 2024 | Volume 10 Issue 8

A Scout is Cheerful 🙂

Scouting Calendar

August 2024

  • Aug 31-Sep 2 – Scout office, shop, camps closed

September 2024

October 2024

AOLs and Troops Save the Date: Dec 6-8 – The Amazing Race: District Fall Camporee at Smilin V

Call to Action

1-Minute AOL Timeline Survey

Calling all AOL Den Leaders! With the changes in the new AOL Den programming, we want to connect with AOL Dens in our district and see how we can accommodate your plans.  Please take this super short survey so we can make sure we're ready to for your rising scouts. ...

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Featured Stories

Sign Up for Wood Badge Premiere Training this Fall

Wood Badge is the BSA's premier leadership training course that will give you the tools to be a more effective leader in scouting and beyond. See what previous North Shore particpants have said: and...

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Safety Updates – YPT and Shooting Sports

This fall brings several new youth protection and program policies into effect. For a quick summary of YPT updates, watch this council video hosted by council Director of Marketing & Public Relations Charles Mead with volunteer council Training Chair Christie...

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District News

Cub Chat & Troop Talk Live!

Did you know that Scouting Magazine has a YouTube channel? Well, they do and it is the host of both Cub Chat Live and Troop Talk Live along with a plethora of other resources. Tune into Cub Chat Live every Friday at 2 PM CT and Troop Talk Live on the 2nd Wednesday of...

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Roundtable Flyer: August 2024

Next Roundtable: Thursday, September 12, 2024  Pack Program Pack Committee Den Program Scouts BSA IN PERSON AT  GOOD NEWS UNITED METHODIST CHURCH AND ONLINE. Zoom: Meeting ID: 994 1298...

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North Shore Unit Stories

Aaron on Scouting

Stay up to date and in tune with the Scouting community by checking out the latest from Aaron.