Aaron Garrett - August 2024

I think this picture tells a lot about Aaron. When I look at it, the first thing I see is his smile and obvious cheerful demeanor. Even more, his eyes tell me it is a genuine smile, not forced or posed. 

The next thing I notice is the Wood Badge neckerchief, woggle, and beads so I know he is a dedicated Scout leader. A Scouter who takes the extra time to learn how to be a leader, not for a bullet point on his resume, but for a smile on a Scout’s face.

What’s that above his left pocket? In the center is the Scouter Training Award and above that is the Scoutmaster Key. These 2 awards tell me that Aaron not only has completed advanced leader training, but he has put that training into practice for 2 and 3 years respectively.

Not as easy to see is another of his knots, the Community Organization Award (think religious emblem but from community organizations). This one ties into one of Aaron’s passions, promoting and growing Scouting in community and religious organizations.

And, above the right pocket is the 2023 National Scout Jamboree patch. Aaron is all in to support the full Scouting experience for our Scouts.

Aaron has served in several roles including Scoutmaster, Unit Commissioner for 3 troops, and District Community Liaison.