National youth leadership training logo

It didn’t take long to spot the North Shore Scouts and Scouters when I walked onto camp.  Over 50 Scouts attended this summer’s National Youth Leadership Training at Tom Wooten (Cub side of LPSR). When I arrived they were in a troop meeting that included classic scout skills: knots and pioneering.  Even though it was sweltering, nearly every participant was completely engaged and ready to work with their patrols as they practiced, planned, and executed the challenges from their Patrol Leaders’ Council.  See if you can spot the members from your unit in the photos below.

National Youth Leadership Training is an amazing opportunity for youth ages 13-20 to learn and practice their leadership skills over a week.  They build their confidence, make friends, and bring home practical tools to help them daily.  The lessons are presented through challenges, discussions, and activities to make a lasting impact and fun. NYLT is led by a team of youth who have spent months in preparation to deliver an outstanding course.  The adult leaders are present throughout the process to guide and mentor the leadership team and provide safety and validity of Scouting America’s NYLT program.  If you haven’t attended yet, talk to your unit leader about the next opportunity.  The courses fill quickly!

See more information at


North Shore at NYLT – summer 2024:

Russell Cassizzi

Cannon Coburn

Ryker Koury

Michael Dial

Alicia Matt

Elijah Matt

Matthew Miller

Erik Otto

Carter Richardson

William Whiteaker

Liam Wilson