The district awards celebration honoring our best from 2021 is almost here. Set the date aside and join us to celebrate this special occasion.

WHO: You! Your Unit Leaders!
WHAT: Awards Presentation
WHERE: SouthStar Bank, Leander [Directions]
WHEN: March 25th, 2022, 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM

March 25th is rapidly approaching and your chance to nominate your Scouters for recognition at the district awards celebration is nearing an end for the 2021 awards cycle. We are still accepting nominations for Northern Star through March 23rd, so don’t miss this opportunity to say thank you to your Scouters and volunteers that do so much for your unit. Silver Squirrel nominations will be accepted until March 21st. We are also recognizing those exceptional Scouts and unit leaders (Scoutmaster, Cubmaster, Crew Advisor, and Skipper) in the North Shore District. There is a high bar to be met for Scout of the Year and Unit Leader of the Year, but if your unit has that exceptional Scout or Unit Leader, tell us about it before March 16th. It isn’t too late.

Now, you may be thinking that you and your families aren’t in Scouting for the glory. You just want to contribute what we can to make the world a little better by teaching your boys and girls the values and skills thry need to become productive and successful members of society. So, why worry about awards?… The answer is simple.

  • It is encouraging to your unit families to know that their efforts are appreciated, even when they are not the ones receiving the awards. They will see that you care enough to recognize the leaders going the extra mile. This can help you both retain and recruit new leaders.
  • It instills a sense of pride that your unit, your Scouts and Scouters along with their families, have built something noteworthy… something amazing. This contributes to unit cohesion and builds a positive unit identity. That helps you retain your families.
  • It is also a public testatment to the quality of your unit, its program, and its leadership. When families are looking to join Scouts, they want to join a unit that will deliver on the Scouting promise. District awards let them know your unit delivers on that promise.

All of this means we can reach that many more families. We can help that many more kids. We can build that much better of a world.