Thursday, May 12th, 2022

The May Roundtable offers topics on Summer Programs for Packs and Funding your Troop program with popcorn. Of course we also off offer our Monthly Cub program helps. This month is Couteous. 

This is a Hybrid event. You are welcome to join us at Good News UMC on New Hope or use the Zoom link below to join from home.


Summer / Outdoor Activites
We will help your Pack earn the Summertime Pack Award with ideas and tips for a “boffo” summer program that maximizes the fun and gives every Scout the opportunity to participate and achieve.


Scout Law (Couteous) 
Please join us for Ceremonies, songs, skits, etc. to spice up your den and pack program relating to “A Scout is Couteous”. This month we’ll include custom content that you can take back to your units.
Popcorn for Troops
Popcorn can fund your Troop events for the whole year. District Popcorn Kernel, Ms. Kristi, will help you get a Popcorn culture going in your troop that delivers dividends beyond the budget. Join us to learn more.
Roundtable Helps

It is time for the North Shore District Annual Chili Cook Off! Win the Golden Spoon with your delicious chili recipe.


And Scout Law (Couteous) Roundtable Helps
And outdoor games, both wet and dry. Here is your chance to work up a sweat and cool off at the same time. And don’t forget the Roundtable raffle.
Roundtable Helps

Popcorn Kernel Roundup
Popcorn Kernels are invited to join District Popcorn Chair, Kristi Pakm, to get their popcorn programs off on the right foot. While part of the Cub Scout track, Troop, Crew, and Ship popcorn kernels are invited to attend


Scout Law (Obedient) 
Ceremonies, songs, skits, etc. to spice up your den and pack program relating to “A Scout is Obedient”. 
The Scouts BSA Roundtable topic scheduled for July has been postponed to Camporee. Stay tuned here to see what topic will replace it. Do you have a suggestion for a replacement topix? Let us know.

Roundtable Helps

Zoom Link:

Your Cub and Scouts BSA Roundtable teams invite you to our monthly Roundtable training on the second Thursday of each month. The North Shore District Key 3 will be in attendance to fill us in on the happenings of the North Shore District and the Capitol Area Council. Join one of our 3 breakout sessions for Cub Scout leaders and Scouts BSA leaders. There is something for everyone. We sincerely hope to see you there! We wish you health and happiness this year.

Bianca Beadles

Bianca Beadles

SBSA RT Commissioner

Tim Pacl

Tim Pacl

Cub RT Commissioner

Nick Rietsch

Nick Rietsch

Asst Cub RT Commissioner