Troops 271 and 219 would like to attend Camp Tomahawk in WI again in June 2024.  We did this trip in 2019 and it was an amazing experience!  Here’s where you come in.  For this trip to be financially feasible we rent a charter bus (deep Scout discount through our contact) and even then we need several people to attend to spread the transportation cost.  So we are looking for a couple other units to partner up with for transportation.  This is your opportunity to attend an amazing out of state camp that would otherwise be cost prohibitive due to transportation.

Units would only be sharing transportation and eating at the same places while traveling.  Once at camp each unit runs their own program their own way.  In 2019 we had 3 Troops in total go and it was fantastic, memories of a lifetime were made.

Want to know what all the camp has to offer?  Check out their website and promotional video:

If your unit is interested please reach out to Allan Pape by the end of January, we need to make this decision and start making reservations ASAP (no later than January 31 please).

Thank you,

Allan Pape