Well, that is another year behind us and many, many more to go. 2024 marks the 112th anniversary of the Austin Council back in 1912. Yes, we were originally called the Austin Council. Twelve years later we changed our name to Austin – Travis County Council, then the Austin Area Council. Finally, in 1934, we became the now-familiar Capitol Area Council.

But Scouting in Central Texas officially started before we had a council in 1911 with Troop 5, possibly the oldest continuously chartered Scouting unit in Texas, so happy 113th birthday to Troop 5 too. Actually, Scouting here in Texas started around the same time and in the same way as it did in England. When Lord Robert Baden-Powell published his book “Scouting for Boys” in 1908, boys in England began forming their own troops, even before an official Scouting organization was formed. There is evidence that the same thing happened here in Texas at the same time.

So, whether this is your first year in Central Texas Scouting, your 112th, or even your 113th, Happy Scouting birthday to us all!