Hello, Scouters!
I am excited to begin my journey as the next District Chair for North Shore. In the 1944 edition of Aids to Scouting, Baden-Powell said “What suits one particular troop or one kind of boy, in one kind of place, will not suit another within a mile of it, much less those scattered over the world and existing under totally different conditions. The guidelines, policies and culture built into our district are absolutely critical to the integrity of our program. I know I will need assistance and guidance over the coming days and months to become better aware of what is important to each of you and to our district. However I believe in the scouting program, I believe in its aims and methods, I believe in focusing on what is truly important at all levels of scouting, which is to help youth develop self-confidence, ethics, leadership skills and citizenship skills that influence their adult lives.
I look forward to supporting our Scouts, Volunteers, Units and their Families. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me if you need support with your Scouting program!
As Baden-Powell once said, “Damn the Rules!” Call it an experiment!” I agree let the experiment begin.
Yours in Scouting
Jeffrey Hynes
Email: chair@northshoredistrict.org