This is the perfect skit for a Bear den. In fact, it was created by the Pack 170 Bear den for a campfire program at Camp Tom Wooten in 2021. Enjoy!

Scout 1 stands center stage. Other Scouts enter the scene one at a time. Scout 2 enters.

Scout 1 (to Scout 2): Hey, do you want to go fishing?
Scout 2: What?! No! I don’t want to get soaking wet.

Scout 1 (to Scout 3): Hey, come fishing with me.
Scout 3: No, no, no. I don’t have any other dry clothes to change into.

Process continues with Scout 1 asking each Scout to go fishing until the last Scout enters.

Scout X (to Scout 1): What’s the matter? You look sad.
Scout 1: No one will go fishing with me.
Scout X: Why not?
Scout 1: Probably because I fish like a BEAR!

Scout one jumps forward (into the water) and begins thrashing about, clawing and growling, with their best bear impersonation.