By Gregory Andres, ASM T271
This story starts like the first paragraph out of an Edgar Allan Poe poem. It was a dark, rainy, cold night. If you listened hard enough you could hear the sounds of hands being rubbed together to keep the chill away. Branches rustled against each other as the wind blew through the camp. The scouts of Troop 271 and Troop 219 arrived at camp eager to set up their tents, establish camp and begin the 2024 Fall Camporee. Tasks were divided up, parking lot attendant, gate control and trailer parking attendant. Once all the trailers were in, SPL meeting concluded, the sound of the lone bugle, played by Kate Richardson, playing retreat let us know it was time to end the day. Rain tapped on our tents throughout the night.

Morning greeted us like a cold, wet blanket. It would be an extra layer kind of day. The morning reveille rang across the camp clear and crisp. It was time to get the day started. The camp smelled of eggs and sizzling bacon across the fields. Adults clutched their coffee mugs, guarding the warmth it provided. Slowly the scouts, adults and troop flags made their way to the morning flag ceremony. The color guard lead by Elliot U. started the morning ceremony with reverence and respect. Flags were sharply presented and raised then lowered to half staff in honor of Pearl Harbor Day. Announcements and motivation were shouted by the master of ceremonies Carter R. After the meeting, troops returned to their camp sites to prepare for the Arrow of Light (AOL) scouts.
Slowly the AOL scouts trickled in. As they moved from troop activity to troop activity they got to meet and interact with scouts throughout the North Shore District. They may have visited Troops 16 and 91 with their ninja stealth course. Perhaps they made it over to Troop 358 to brush up on their first aid and patient assessment or maybe they got to cross the host troop’s monkey bridge. If you made it to Troop 271’s camp, I hope you got to enjoy a hot, sweet doughnut and if you’re an adult I hope you got a cup of our award winningcamp coffee provided by ASM Mr. Matt Richardson. As the day continued, the heavy gray clouds loomed over; sometimes with light showers and sometimes giving false hope they would break apart allowing the sun to shine through. Once dinner was complete and the hope of the sun ever coming out had passed, we moved onto the campfire. What amazing skits, songs, and stories were told by the scouts. My personal favorite is Da Moose Da Moose performed by Parker A. from Troop 271 and of course who could forget Rattlin’ Bog lead by Jack P. and Crew 158.

The OA social was a peaceful transition to end Saturday night. As we wrapped up camp for the night, the lone bugler once again played the crisp notes of retreat. Another day done. The hustle of Sunday morning included breakfast, closing flag ceremonies, police lines, roses and thorns and a short drive back home. If you’re anything like me, your tent went straight into the garage to be set up and dried. As I wrap up this just a short 24 hours after returning home, I find myself with a small smile at the irony that its 82 degrees outside. Then I’m reminded that bad weather makes for great stories.
Yours In Scouting
Gregory Andres
ASM T271