Communications Committee Members

Committee Chair
Dr. Tim Urban

Webmaster / Social Media Manager
Steven Worthy

Member at Large
Tim Pacl

Communications Committee Description

The Communications committee strives to provide useful and necessary information to the members of the North Shore District in a timely and effective manner. To do this, we leverage different communications channels including:

We are always interested in hearing from you about how we are doing and ways we can improve our communication with you and your unit. Feel free to contact us with your feedback at anytime. Send email to

Our Recent Newsletters

North Shore District Newsletter – January 2021

A look back at December 2020 and an eye on the future. Our search for a new District Chair, Webelos Woods, the Roundtable agenda, Remembering one of our own, Journey to Excellence, Baby Yoda at a Court of Honor, New Eagle Scouts in December 2020, and more!