What: North Shore District Committee Meeting Time: First Thursday, every month 7:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada) Please plan to attend in person. In Person – 1610 E New Hope Dr, Leander, TX 78641[...]
Monthly Roundtable meeting. All Scouting leaders are invited to attend and receive help to have a great Scout program. In Person – 1195 Sonny Dr., Leander Leander, TX 78641
This meeting is for any Roundtable team members including staff, presenters, helpers, or anyone that would like to participate / contribute. Topic: NSD Roundtable Planning Time: 6 PM Central Time (US and Canada) Every month[...]
The North Shore District Commissioner is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/97875071821?pwd=KzhmbTdpMzlXMzZqK29uOGtKN3cxZz09 Meeting ID: 978 7507 1821 Passcode: 677252 — One tap mobile +13462487799,,97875071821#,,,,*677252# US (Houston) +17193594580,,97875071821#,,,,*677252# US
What: North Shore District Committee Meeting Time: First Thursday, every month 7:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada) Please plan to attend in person. In Person – 1610 E New Hope Dr, Leander, TX 78641[...]
Monthly Roundtable meeting. All Scouting leaders are invited to attend and receive help to have a great Scout program. In Person – 1195 Sonny Dr., Leander Leander, TX 78641
This meeting is for any Roundtable team members including staff, presenters, helpers, or anyone that would like to participate / contribute. Topic: NSD Roundtable Planning Time: 6 PM Central Time (US and Canada) Every month[...]