Wood Badge – Premiere Adult Training 10/8-10 & 11/6-7
Want to have the most Scouting fun ever? Ask anyone with beads about it! Wood Badge is BSA’s “next level” training course that puts you in the position of your Scouts, working together as members of a Cub Scout Pack, Scouts BSA Troop, and Venturing Crew. You’ll...NYLT – National Youth Leadership Training 12/27-1/1
Registration for NYLT Winter 2021 is now officially open and information can be found on the Council’s Youth Training site at https://www.bsacac.org/training/youth/national-youth-leader/ We are excited to offer a unique training opportunity that aims to develop young...Powderhorn – Outdoor Adventure Training 9/10-12 & 9/25-26
Enjoy hands-on adventure & fun for adults and youth 14+. Learn all about advanced skills and activities available with instructors who demonstrate the skills and explain where resources, equipment, facilities, guides, instructors, and certifications can be...Please Take This Training Survey – Your Opinion Matters
A few minutes of your time is needed. Kristi Palm recently attended Wood Badge and is focusing her ticket on District Training Initiatives, supporting Scouts having trained leaders. She needs your feedback on a survey. It should take less than 5 minutes of your time and it will provide much needed input.