by Tim Urban | Jun 6, 2022 | Cub Scouts, NL – 2022-06 Featured, NL – 2022-07 Call to Action, ScoutsBSA, Training
Two great trainings at one great location: Smilin V Scout Ranch in Liberty Hill! Offered Saturday-Sunday, August 27-28, 2022. Stay tuned for registration and other details. BALOO is the Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Oreintation course. This is a fun and informative class...
by Tim Urban | Jun 6, 2022 | Events, NL – 2022-06 Main, ScoutsBSA, Sea Scouts, Training, Venturing
National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT) (for Youth) Get your youth leaders to spring break, summer, or winter NYLT! Winter is open for registration. This six-day, five-night course gives Scouts BSA, Sea Scouts, Venturers and Explorers methods, skills, and...
by Heather Spencer | Jun 6, 2022 | NL – 2022-06 Featured, ScoutsBSA, Sea Scouts, Venturing
When our OA chapter leaders met last August, they created a grand vision of reestablishing a ceremony team in our district. They believed they could pull together enough Arrowmen to have both the Callout and Brotherhood ceremonies led by our scouts. To attain their...
by Heather Spencer | Jun 6, 2022 | NL – 2022-06 Main, ScoutsBSA, Sea Scouts, Venturing
Hello OA members! We as a chapter held an election during the May meeting for the new officer roles that begin in August. Meaning if you have a current role, you are still that role until August. The Chapter Chief for the next term is Christian Swint from Troop 258....
by Tim Urban | Jun 6, 2022 | Cub Scouts, Events, NL – 2022-06 Main, ScoutsBSA, Sea Scouts, Venturing
Save the date! North Shore’s fall camporee will be hosted by Crew 158 and will be held at Smilin V Scout Ranch in Liberty Hill on November 4-6, 2022. Webelos and Arrow of Light scouts can spend Saturday with the troops. Watch for more information in the coming...
by Heather Spencer | May 9, 2022 | Events, NL – 2022-05 Main, ScoutsBSA, Sea Scouts, Venturing
Thirteen North Shore troops survived and thrived during the Alien Invasion Camporee hosted by our Chapter of the Order of the Arrow. The OA members began planning with a vision in August of a pre-COVID style camporee including the OA ceremonies, food contests, and OA...