by Tim Pacl | Sep 7, 2021 | NL Main - 2021-09
September Living with COVIDAfter 1 1/2 years, we have learned a lot about safely conducting an active Scouting program during the global pandemic. Join Nick Rietsch, Pack 170 Health and Safety Officer, for a discussion about safely Scouting during COVID. Scout Law...
by Heather Spencer | Sep 6, 2021 | NL Unit Stories - 2021-09, ScoutsBSA, Training, USA: 2021 Stories
Troops 258 & 358 presented their semi-annual leader training for all Patrol Leaders Council (PLC) members. The Introduction to Leadership Skills for Troops (ILST) was held during a one-night campout at Smilin V in nearby Liberty Hill. Following an introduction...
by Kristi Palm | Sep 6, 2021 | Cub Scouts, NL Main - 2021-09, Training
Calling all Den Leaders and Pack Parents! Are you ready to get back outdoors but no one in your Pack is BALOO trained? Or are your BALOO leaders crossing over soon? North Shore District is working to set up a BALOO course for all interested parties. We are slating...
by Kristi Palm | Sep 6, 2021 | Cub Scouts, NL Main - 2021-09, ScoutsBSA, Sea Scouts, Training, Venturing
CALLING ALL CHARTERED ORGANIZATION REPS! We need your help and time at the District. Did you know that you are an automatic member of the District Committee? The District Committee meets on the first Thursday of every month. This meeting is currently virtual and the...
by Tim Pacl | Sep 6, 2021 | NL Membership - 2021-09
Have you held your Fall “Join Scouting Night”? We have and it was a lot of fun. We held it at our normal meeting place because the elementary schools we normally recruit from had restrictions that prevented us from setting up inside due to the pandemic. We...
by Heather Spencer | Sep 6, 2021 | Events, NL Main - 2021-09, ScoutsBSA, Sea Scouts, Venturing
Scouts, get ready to saddle up for a Wild West Camporee. Scouts BSA troops may camp all weekend on November 12-14, 2021 at Smilin V. They are also encouraged to use this opportunity to recruit younger scouts for their troops. Webelos and Arrow of Light Scouts and...