Summer Pack Fun, Scouters Being Prepared Leads to Water Rescue
The “Scouts In Action” section of Scout Life magazine regularly showcases capable and brave Scouts from around the country helping others in need, most often in water rescue situations. Little did these Scouters on a hike expect to put the same skills into...Saved Her Dogs’ Lives Thanks to the Dog Care Merit Badge
Scouting has a positive impact on countless people around the world every day. Here is another “Scouts in Action” story from North Shore. Dog Care is a one of several badges that are most often recommended for new scouts who want to get started on a merit...Popcorn News
Do you have question about popcorn? Contact us at All Scouting units should have a Popcorn Kernel or one of their key 3 registered with Trails End here:...Training Updates
Every Scout deserves a trained leader! Do you need Adult Leader Training? Chisholm Trail is offering many courses from Committee Training, to Cubmaster to Scoutmaster training. August 13th is the day! Go here to register!
North Shore District Newsletter – July 2022
Read all about it! Fun opportunities, training, popcorn, water rescue, saving canines, Eagle Scouts and more!