Dutch Oven Recipes: Vegetarian Lasagne

Campfire Lasagna (Vegetarian) This vegetarian spinach campfire lasagna is cooked in a cast iron Dutch oven, and is perfect for camping meals and cookouts. Prep Time: 15 mins, Cook Time: 30 mins, Total Time: 45 mins Servings: 6 people, Calories: 341 Author: Sarah...
Submarine Veterans Honor Scouting Pinnacle Achievers

Submarine Veterans Honor Scouting Pinnacle Achievers

Only 6% of Scouts achieve the pinnacle of their Scouting program – Eagle, Quartermaster, or Summit – and roughly the same number of US Navy sailors earn their submarine dolphins. The “Elite of the Fleet” want to honor your unit’s highest achievers through the USSVI Scouting Recognition Program.

October 2022 Roundtable Flyer

October 2022 Roundtable Flyer

Thursday, October 13th, 2022 Every North Shore unit needs to be at Roundtable this month for a discussion and demonstration of the online recharter process. Last year’s bintroduction of this new system was rocky, so make sure to attend to see it in action and...