by Tim Urban | Jul 13, 2023 | Cub Scouts, NL 2023-07 Featured, NL 2023-09 Main, NL 2023-11 Featured, NL 2024-08 Main, ScoutsBSA, Sea Scouts, Training, Venturing
Attention North Shore Wood Badgers! We are hosting a collection of all your great efforts on the North Shore website. Send us any of your ticket goals that we can put online – reports, plans, documents, videos, etc. Even if it’s specific to your unit or...
by Bianca Beadles | Jul 11, 2023 | Cub Scouts, Home Page Articles, NL 2023-07 Featured, NL 2023-08 Main, NL 2023-09 Featured, ScoutsBSA
Come join the Scouts of the North Shore District in our “Scoutly” version of the Middle-ages. This Webelos Woods is based on the medieval period, so scouts should model “knightly” behavior. The emphasis of the event is fun and fellowship, with a flair from the Middle...
by Mehria Smith | Jul 9, 2023 | Cub Scouts, NL 2023-07 Unit Stories, ScoutsBSA
One of the cores of Scouting is to learn, practice, and live the Scout Law, one point of which is “a Scout is friendly”. This encompasses the building of relationships, expanding friendships, and making community connections not only with those already in the Scouting...
by Tim Urban | Jul 3, 2023 | Cub Scouts, Events, Home Page Articles, NL 2023-07 Call to Action, ScoutsBSA, Sea Scouts, Venturing
All Scouts, Scouters and their families are invited to enjoy the symposium on Friday, July 21, 2023 from 10:30 AM – 5:00 PM at Austin Community College – San Gabriel campus (449 San Gabriel Campus Drive, by the Leander train station). Event Link:...
by Heather Spencer | Jun 4, 2023 | Cub Scouts, NL 2023-06 Featured
Troops and Packs: November 10-12, 2023 is North Shore Webelos Woods What is Webelos Woods? Webelos Woods is fun for both Webelos-aged dens (4th and 5th graders) and Scouts BSA Troops. Over the course of a weekend, Cubs Scouts and their parent or leaders will:...
by Tim Urban | May 7, 2023 | Cub Scouts, NL 2023-05 Unit Stories, NL 2023-06 Unit Stories, NL 2023-07 Unit Stories, NL 2023-08 Unit Stories, ScoutsBSA, Sea Scouts, Venturing
Join Council for Two-in-a-lifetime Solar Eclipse Events Happening Across Council Properties October 14, 2023: Annular Eclipse at Lost Pines. Spaces Limited! Join the Cub Event or the Scout & Older Youth STEM+Conservation Weekend:...