Lemonade Stand

Pack 1277 painted a custom built lemonade stand! We’ll be using this to fundraise for Reed and Cox Elementary PTA’s, raising money to help our community with school supplies. You might also see the stand pop up during popcorn selling season! Great job, Pack 1277!!

Fireman Service Project

Pack 1277 drew thank you notes and organized several gift baskets for our first responders. We dropped them off to fire stations in Cedar Park and Leander. The kids had a blast getting up close and personal with first responders and all the equipment!

Flag Retirement Ceremonies

We just kicked off fall with a flag retirement ceremony out at Veterans Park. According to the US Flag Code, when a flag is so damaged that it can no longer serve as a symbol of the country, it should be retired in a dignified way, preferably by burning.  We asked all our Scouts to collect flags from the community and retired around 100 flags that evening.

What is next in store for the families of Pack 1277? Well, this weekend we head out to Creekrow Friends Farm to volunteer there.