Pack 170 repeated one of its favorite Summertime Pack events from 2021, LEGO DERBY! This is a Scout favorite, which also makes it a great recruiting event because what’s fun for a Scout is fun for any kid their age. And, this Lego Derby also served a third purpose… training our new Derby Chair.

Mr. Nick’s Dragster
This is the dragster’s 2nd year.

Each participant got a Lego racer chassis and 2 tungston weight bricks. Kids and adults alike built cars. Many were built right there on race day, which is why Lego Derby is a great recruiting event where our beloved Pinewood Derby is not. Some, like Mr. Nick’s dragster, was buit in advance. All cars have to meet similar requirements to a Pinewood car except that we let them build higher if they wish because Lego bricks aren’t very heavy so building up is one way to add weight.
At left: Webelos Den Leader Mr. Dusty and Troop 91 Scout Charlie setup for the next heat.

Who is the man in the red shirt?… Well, that is Cedar Park Nissan General Manager Dustin Krieger. Dustin not only enthusiastically welcomes our Cub Scout pack to conduct our Lego and Pinewood Derbies on his showroom floor, he is always right there to present each and every award to the winners. Of course, we can’t let him go without expressing our thanks for this 3rd (2 Lego Derbies and 1 Pinewood Derby) time partnership in support of Scouting in the North Shore District. Thank you, Dustin. And thank you to all of the Cedar Park Nissan staff for your patience and assistance throughout the day.

This event brought 3 new Scouts to Pack 170 right away and we have added more in the weeks that followed. If you are looking for creative ways to share your Scouting program with more youths in your community and would like to know more about staging your own Lego Derby or perhaps a Kite Derby, Bicycle Rodeo, or even a Bottle Rocket Fun Day, contact Membership<at>NorthShoreDistrict<dot>org or Communications>at>NorthShoreDistrict<dot>org.

It does indeed take a village.
Left to right: Mayor Christine (Leander), Mr. Tim, Dustin Krieger, Mr. Dusty, Mr. Rusty, Ms. Sondra, Mr. Nick, Dr. Tim Urban.