Two great trainings at one great location: Smilin V Scout Ranch in Liberty Hill!
Offered Saturday-Sunday, August 27-28, 2022.
BALOO is $30. Register here:
ILST is $20. Register here:

BALOO is the Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Oreintation course. This is a fun and informative class for all Cub parents, especially those new to scouting, and it is a requirement for all Pack overnighters that at least 1 adult attending has this training.
Questions about BALOO? Contact Nick Rietsch

ILST is the Introduction to Leadership Skills for Troops.
Does your troop need help with this trianing? This will be the first time offered at the district level. This is primarily a scout-led training course and youth staff have been chosen from NYLT staff and graduates. Several former NYLT course directors are supporting this opportunity.
ILST is the basic youth leadership course – open to all troop members, highly recommended for the PLC (Patrol Leaders’ Council), and required as a pre-requiste in order to attend NYLT.
This is never a one and done training. Youth are encouraged to attend this training every time it is offered – especially after having attended NYLT – as they learn more each time, can provide better insights, and learn to work as a leadership team with their new PLC each session. ILST includes some large group instruction plus troop-oriented breakouts and activites. Scoutmaster or designee is required to attend. All adults are welcome to register, watch, take notes, and learn the process.
Adults: bring your scouts to ILST and watch them succeed as they lead!
Questions about ILST? Contact Heather Spencer