Thursday, July 14th, 2022

This month, we will distribute JSN signs and materials for Cub Scout units at Roundtable. We will also remember former Scouts BSA Roundtable Commissioner, Jeffrey Hynes.

Many of our Scouts BSA colleagues won’t be in attendance for the August Roundtable as they are busy recruiting new Scouts at the LISD 6th grade open house. If you are Scouts BSA and didn’t know about this effort, check out the “6th Grade JSN” article at Our Cub topics for this month are also valuable for Scouts BSA. We are going all out on recruiting with Recruiting and Retaining Leaders, Tried and True Recruiting in Schools, and a discussion about the upcoming NSD Rocket Recruitment Day.

As usual, this event is hybrid so feel free to join us on Zoom or in person at the Good News UMC on New Hope Drive.

Recruiting New Leaders
Are you on a fishing expedition for new leaders? Well, we have the bait. Cast it out… give them a nibble… give it a tug and reel them in.
Tried & True Recruiting in Schools
Time-tested and successful techniques for recruiting new Scouts in schools.
NSD Rocket Recruiting Day
The North Shore District is hosting a district-wide recruiting event for all Scouting programs. Get the details here.
Scout Law (Cheerful) 
Please join us for Ceremonies, songs, skits, etc. to spice up your den and pack program relating to “A Scout is Cheerful”. 
6th Grade JSN
Scouts BSA troops are going to school. Scouts and Scouters from NSD Scouts BSA troops will be attending the LISD 6th Grade open house to “show and Tell” new middle schoolers what Scouting is all about and to invite them to join the fun.
Roundtable Helps

Pack 170 Hosting
Cub Scout Pack 170 is hosting our September Cub Scout Roundtable. They will choose one or more exciting topics to delight, inform, and entertain you. Check back right here for updates as we get closer to the date: September 8, 2022 


A Scout is Thrifty
Let’s discover program ideas and materials to reuse in our own unit programs. What a nifty, and thrify, idea!
It is All About Summer Camp!
Lets talk the selection and planning for attending a summer camp. How does the entire troop engage in planning for summer camp.. 
Roundtable Helps


Hands-On Recharter
A step-by-step walk-through of the online rechartering process introduced last year. We can help you with your pain points and guide you to an on-time recharter for 2023. 
Scout Law (Brave) 
Ceremonies, songs, skits, etc. to spice up your den and pack program relating to “A Scout is Brave”. 
Patrol Leader Council (PLC)
You know what a PLC is. Now, image the North Shore District as one big troop and you will see an opportunity to share success across all Scouts BSA units. All Scouts BSA youth leaders as well as SMs/ASMs and other interested adults are invited to attend.

Roundtable Helps

Zoom Link: [A new Zoom link is on its way. Check back in a couple of days]

Your Cub and Scouts BSA Roundtable teams invite you to our monthly Roundtable training on the second Thursday of each month. The North Shore District Key 3 will be in attendance to fill us in on the happenings of the North Shore District and the Capitol Area Council. Join one of our breakout sessions for Cub Scout leaders and Scouts BSA leaders. There is something for everyone. We sincerely hope to see you there! We wish you health and happiness this year.

Bianca Beadles

Bianca Beadles

SBSA RT Commissioner

Tim Pacl

Tim Pacl

Cub RT Commissioner

Nick Rietsch

Nick Rietsch

Asst Cub RT Commissioner