Thirteen North Shore troops survived and thrived during the Alien Invasion Camporee hosted by our Chapter of the Order of the Arrow. The OA members began planning with a vision in August of a pre-COVID style camporee including the OA ceremonies, food contests, and OA social. The theme and logo were established by January and they began planning the program elements including troop involvement, contests and awards, ceremonies, gatherings, and the camp-wide activity.

Click on the gallery below to enlarge and view many photos from the event! 


Over 220 scouts and scouters were involved in the successful weekend. Troops worked hard at creating their stations for other troops to try. Everyone embraced the out of this world theme and several aliens, UFOs, and space-themed games were spotted throughout Smilin V. The OA decided to include the entire camp in the main event by allowing every patrol to work together to earn parts to build a rocket to help their alien escape. Baden Powell would be pleased with their efforts to encourage the patrol method. 

The evening culminated in a campwide alien invasion-style campfire led by emcee Jacob Troller where skits, songs and jokes were outer space themed. District awards for Troop of the year and Crew of the year were presented in addition to all the camporee awards. As the campfire wore down, the OA began their annual Callout. Over 35 new candidates were called by the arrow to join the honor society of Scouting. 

OA members joined in a social to learn more about OA opportunities and enjoy a cold root beer float. Congratulations to all new candidates. The last event of the evening was the Brotherhood Hike and Ceremony for those eligible OA members. Congratulations to the 19 new Brotherhood members who completed their OA membership.

Thank you to all who participated in making this event a success. Every scout and leader promoted Scout Spirit from check-in through check-out and all the time between. Special thanks to our Council Lead Ranger PJ Brown, District Executive Doug Cooper, Alicia Matt for check-in and close down help, Bianca Beedles for the campfire assist and hosting the SPL council meeting, and Crew 158 members for helping staff the event: Aaron Matt, Kylia Agostinelli, Joel Otto, Thekla Brumder Grubbs, and Rosanne Pape.

Thank you to our ceremony teams for making the evening extra special for all involved. 

Callout Team: Christian Swint, Ethan Matt, Ethan Pope, Dylan Meath, Travis McLane, and Ryan James.

Brotherhood Team: Jack Pape, Grace Hearn, Thomas Wilson, and Caleb Trollope. Brotherhood Hike Guide: Kate Pape

Adult Ceremony Advisors: J.T. Devenport and Steven Worthy

Out of this world thanks to our OA officers and OA staff members: Vice Chief of Program Travis McLane, Chapter Chief Jack Pape, Vice Chief of Inductions Christian Swint, Vice Chief of Communication Grace Hearn, Dylan Meath, Thomas Wilson, Myles Edwards, Jacob Troller, Kate Pape, Hannah Mullens, Caleb Trollope, Shawn Trollope, Steven Worthy, Connie Michaels, Dave Michaels, and J.T. Devenport.

If you are an OA member and are interested in helping plan and execute the 2023 camporee, please join us at our OA meetings. Your feedback is welcome. If you have any camporee feedback, please use this form: