District Key 3

Darryl Agostinelli
District Chair
The District Chairperson is responsible to the council president or the vice president of district operations to run the program of Scouting in their district as directed by the executive board of the council.
Contact: chair@northshoredistrict.org

Tim Pacl
District Commissioner
A District Commissioner is the quality control officer who recruits, trains, and leads a staff of commissioners who coach adult leaders of every unit to succeed. The district commissioner is responsible for the unit service function of the district. They are approved and appointed by the council executive board, with the concurrence of the Scout executive, on the recommendation of the district nominating committee.
Contact: commissioner@northshoredistrict.org

Justin Brundin
District Executive
The District Executive is a member of the Council’s professional staff charged with supporting volunteer scouters, ensuring program quality and building relationships to grow Scouting in the Leander and Lago Vista ISD attendance zones.
Contact: Justin.Brundin@scouting.org
District Committee

Heather Spencer
Program Vice Chair
The Vice Chair is responsible to the district chair for recruiting and building an organization of volunteers to strengthen and enrich unit program by overseeing the district’s program function and supporting the work of the district program volunteers.
Contact: program@northshoredistrict.org

Dr. Tim Urban
STEM/NOVA Coordinator

Service Projects Coordinator

Outdoor Activities Coordinator

Heather Spencer
Events - Fall Camporee

Heather Spencer
Events - Spring Camporee

Events - Tiger Fun Day

Events - Cub Scout Day Camp

Nick Rietsch
Events - District Super Derby

Events - Spring of Service

Events - District First Aid

Events - Annual Unit Key 3 Breakfast

Dave Wood
Membership Chair
The Membership Chair is responsible to the district chair to recruit and build a volunteer committee structure to ensure steady, balanced, membership growth throughout the district, paying particular attention to areas of special need, while maintaining mutually beneficial relationships with chartered organizations and other community and youth-serving groups within the district’s territory.
Contact: membership@northshoredistrict.org

Russell Cassizzi
Membership Committee - Assistant Chair
Assists the Membership Chair as needed.

Jennifer Fortenberry
Membership Committee - Assistant Chair
Assists the Membership Chair as needed.

Kris Aman
Membership Committee - Assistant Chair
Assists the Membership Chair as needed.

Craig Nesbitt
Membership Committee - Recharter
Assists Units with the recharter process.

Kristi Palm
Membership Committee - Charter Organization Liason

Membership Committee - Weblos to Scout Transition Liason

Ståle Bjordal
Advancement and Recognition Chair
The Advancement and Recognition Chair is responsible to the program chair for promoting the advancement plan to units, providing training in the advancement plan to district personnel, and providing meaningful reports on advancement.
Contact: advancement@northshoredistrict.org

Advancement and Recognition Committee - District Awards
Contact: advancement@northshoredistrict.org

Advancement and Recognition Committee - Religious Emblems
Contact: advancement@northshoredistrict.org

Advancement and Recognition Committee - Merit Badge Fair
Contact: advancement@northshoredistrict.org

Dr. Tim Urban
Advancement and Recognition Committee - Conservation/STEM Awards
Contact: advancement@northshoredistrict.org

Advancement and Recognition Committee - Merit Badge Counselor Coordinator
The Merit Badge Counselor Coordinator is responsible to the Advancement Chair for recruiting merit badge counselors in the North Shore District and maintaining a list of active counselors.
Contact: advancement@northshoredistrict.org

Ståle Bjordal
Advancement and Recognition Committee - Eagle Advancement Chair
The Eagle Advancement Chair is responsible to the Advancement Chair for coordinating Eagle Scout advancement in the North Shore District.
Contact: advancement@northshoredistrict.org

Nick Rietsch
Training Chair
The Training Chair is responsible to the program chair for the training of district volunteers at all levels (unit, district) by coordinating the efforts of the district training committee and maintaining the high standards for all training courses offered. Training is one of the critical issues to developing and conducting quality programs at all levels.
Contact: training@northshoredistrict.org

Nick Rietsch
Training - YPT Champion
The Youth Protection Training (YPT) Champion reaches out to units and registered leaders to help keep their YPT current.

Training - Cub Training Chair
The Cub Scout Training Chair is responsible to the Training Chair for the training of Cub Scout volunteers at all levels (unit, district). Training is one of the critical issues to developing and conducting quality programs at all levels.

Training - Scouts BSA Outdoor Training
The Scouts BSA Training Chair is responsible to the Training Chair for the training of Scouts BSA volunteers at all levels (unit, district). Training is one of the critical issues to developing and conducting quality programs at all levels.

Ron Smith
DEI Representative
The District DEI Representative reports to the District Chair and serves on the council DEI committee. They will provide district level leadership in the implementation of the council DEI strategic plan.

Dr. Tim Urban
Communications Chair
The primary mission of the communications committee is to assist the district in conveying the benefits of Scouting to the general public and the Scouting family. The marketing program should create and maintain a climate of support and understanding that will assist the district in achieving its objectives.

Steven Worthy
The primary responsibility of the Webmaster is to assist the Communications Chair in conveying the benefits of Scouting to the general public and the Scouting family through our district website and associated assets. The district website should create and maintain a climate of support and understanding that will assist the district in achieving its objectives.

Dr. Tim Urban
Newsletter Editor
The primary responsibility of the Newsletter Editor is to assist the Communications Chair in conveying the benefits of Scouting to the general public and the Scouting family through our district newsletter. The district newsletter should create and maintain a climate of support and understanding that will assist the district in achieving its objectives.

Steven Worthy
Social Media Manager
The Social Media Manager is responsible to the Communications Chair for establishing and maintaining a positive social media presence for the North Shore District on various social media platforms to enhance district communications.

Finance Chair
Responsible to the district chair for building an organization capable of executing the district’s overall finance plan in support of the strategic plan.

Friends of Scouting Chair
Responsible to the district finance chair for building an organization capable of soliciting sufficient donors to successfully reach the district’s Friends of Scouting goal within the established campaign timetable. Ensure annual participation by top-level individual, business, and corporate donors and district goal attainment.

Nicolas Rietsch
Popcorn Kernel
Assist the District Popcorn Kernel as needed.

Kristi Palm
Popcorn Champion
The District Popcorn Kernel strives to achieve the district popcorn sales goal. Encourages and assists units in conducting successful popcorn sales.

Jeanine Swanson
Assisstant Popcorn Kernel
Assist the District Popcorn Kernel as needed.

Spring Fundraiser

Distinguished Citizen Luncheon

Williamson County Luncheon
Committee Members at Large

Craig Nesbitt

Beverly Roddy

David Nelson

Joel Holst

Kevin Clark
Commissioner Corps

Tim Pacl
District Commissioner
The District Commissioner is a member of the District Key 3 and leads the Commissioner Corps in the North Shore District, guiding and measuring the districts unit service function of the program. The District Commissioner is responsible for identifying and recruiting commissioner candidates, ensuring they receive the appropriate training for their role, and supporting them in the performance of their duties.
Contact: commissioner@northshoredistrict.org

Jim Bartley
Assistant District Commissioner
An Assistant District Commissioner (ADC) is assigned to focus on an area of need within the district. An ADC may have other commissioners they oversee depending on their area of need. Some of the areas of need identified in the North Shore District include New Units, Recharter, Cub Scouting, Scouts BSA, Venturing & Sea Scouting, and Roundtable.
Jim is a former District Commissioner and is now Assistant District Commissioner with a general focus on the North Shore District.
Roundtable Commissioners
Roundtable Commissioners are responsible for conducting the monthly district roundtable which provides unit leaders with the skill to do and the will to do what is needed to ensure that every member of every unit has a great Scouting experience. Roundtables build upon the foundation provided by position-specific basic training and each leader’s commitment to serving youth through Scouting.

Nick Rietsch
Roundtable Commissioner
Scouts BSA

Roundtable Commissioner
Cub Scouts

Asst Roundtable Commissioner
Scouts BSA

Asst Roundtable Commissioner
Cub Scouts
Unit Commissioners
A Unit Commissioner is assigned to one or more units in the district and serves as a knowledgeable resource for the unit and as a liaison to district and council resources. Unit Commissioner assignments are listed in the Commissioners section of the district website.

Steven Worthy
Unit Commissioner
Troops 258/358

Chris Bratton
Unit Commissioner
Pack / Troop 171

Jennifer Fortenberry
Unit Commissioner
Packs 160/172

Sumner Hunter
Unit Commissioner

Will Braswell
Unit Commissioner

Aaron Garrett
Unit Commissioner
Troops 219/271/2008

Dave Michaels
Unit Commissioner
Troop 198

Nick Rietsch
Unit Commissioner
Pack/Troop 799
Darryl Agostinelli is an experienced Scout and Scouter. He started his Scouting career as a Wolf Scout in the 1980’s and earned his Arrow of Light before graduating into what is now Scouts BSA. He was a member of Troops 150 and 5090 where he earned Eagle Scout in 1996. Darryl also participated in Exploring for 3 years until 1997.
As an adult, he was a den leader in Pack 1720 from 2014 to 2019 right here in the North Shore District. He took on several committee positions during that time until he crossed into Troop 2008 as Assistant Scoutmaster. Darryl has been the Unit Commissioner for Pack 150, Troop 150, and Crew 158 since 2019. He returned to Pack 1720 in 2020 as Committee Chair and in April 2022, he became the District Chair of the North Shore District.
For his other job, Darryl is Chief Technology Officer for the New England Center for Children. He has been a real estate broker, a programmer in many different computer languages, and he founded his own consulting company, Saggio Technologies, to help companies identify and solve problems. Darryl is bringing his broad experience to the North Shore District to help us grow and thrive in the years ahead.
Tim was a Cub Scout back in the mid-1960’s as a Bear and Lion Scout (think Webelos). His real joy of Scouting started as a father and Cubmaster for two of his sons with Pack 539 in Bremerton Washington. As his sons each advanced from Tiger to Arrow of Light, Tim’s involvement in Scouting grew, taking on roles in what is now Scouts BSA, as well as Exploring. He was elected into the Order of the Arrow, T’kope Kwis Kwis, just before heading back home to Texas.
Between the Chief Kitsap District in Washington, the Arrowhead District here in Leander and Cedar Park, and now the North Shore District, Tim has served in a variety of roles at the unit, district, and council level. In 2023 he had the opportunity to staff the National Jamboree.
Tim has pursued advanced Scouting training, earning his Wood Badge beads at W-CS-36 in 1995 and a Bachellor’s degree in Roundtable at the College of Commissioner Science in 2023. He has earned other recognition for his Scouting work including the District Award of Merit.
Tim’s professional career has been as varied as his Scouting career. He retired from the US Navy in 1996 where he had been a nuclear engineer and supervisor aboard submarines, an electrician, and an instructor trainer. He was a shipboard mechanic and refrigeration tech, a phone support tech, a web developer, an application developer, and a Systems Architect. He is currently a Solutions Consultant at Splunk.